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1999 / Culture


Invisible Exhibition was the name of the cultural project specifically focused on the environment and the visual arts. Its purpose was to review and express the opportunities of harmonious integration of man and nature. The project was attended by 64 artists from 30 countries and it was held under the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic.

The inspiration for the name of the exhibition was a quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: “We only truly see with the heart. The most important things are invisible to the eye”. The exhibition took place from the 17th to the 26th of September in Castle Park in Pezinok. Amongst other thingsthe collective aim of the exhibition rested in the creation of an atmosphere of cultural exchange between different perspectives and expressions. Artistic works were created as an integral and inseparable part of the venue in which they were installed. Such a way of uniting art with the environment that surrounds it, is the liveliest and most spontaneous expression of a truly invisible exhibition.

The event also provided for the participation of handicapped children in the creative process. The handicapped children during the course of the event had the possibility to create their own works from pre-prepared natural materials.

In the century when, the separation of man from nature becomes more visible, the Invisible Exhibition with nature and, in nature,wasnot only an artistic event, but also a manifesto of human awareness. An environmental seminar conducted by Ján Morovič, PhD was also a part of the event. In his words:  “The calling of all artists is to shed light on the future orientation of human society and to give it direction by means of many roads, be it the media, mass media or individual testimony.”
