Thank you for deciding to support our activities and projects. You can do so either by a financial or sponsoring donation, partner participation, tax assignment or other form of partnership or support.

** Financial donation

Support us by a financial donation and we will use it to plan and realise projects, buy aids or trainings for our team and midwives.

Your financial contribution can be sent via direct deposit into the ACEC account:

or via our donation page. Choose the amount you are willing to donate and select a single or monthly payment.


** Involve your company or colleagues

We appreciate our partners and cooperations. Being a partner of ACEC often comes with the courage to enter new landscapes and open more sensitive topics.

We welcome new partnerships and support, which help us continue in long-term projects as well as those that help us launch new activities.

  • Do you want to share your expertise and do some pro bono work for us, or do you have an opportunity to help us organise an event?
  • Do you feel like organising a fundraiser for our midwives, a donation appeal, or ask them to come for a trip with children?
  • Do you want to help, lend a hand, or do a good deed?


Let us know! We’ll definitely think of something!


** Assign a portion of the paid tax as a natural or juridical person

Thank you very much for supporting us with the assignment of 2% (3%) of your paid tax.  Donated funds from the tax assignment are used solely to fund our programmes and projects.

instructions: employees, natural persons or juridical persons

Vyplnené tlačivo pošlite, prosím, najneskôr do 30. apríla na príslušný daňový úrad.


For more information get in touch with us or visit our web site here.