Roma Spirit Award Kicks Off Its 16th Edition!
28.5.2024For the sixteenth time, the public has the opportunity to nominate inspiring individuals, stories, and activities for the Roma Spirit Award that contribute to the development of…
President of the Slovak Republic Welcomes Roma Spirit 2023 Finalists
20.5.2024President of the Slovak Republic, Zuzana Čaputová, welcomed the finalists of the prestigious Roma Spirit 2023 award at the Presidential Palace.
Meeting of the Roma Spirit 2023 Finalists in Bratislava
16.4.2024On Tuesday, April 16, 2024, finalists from the 15th edition of the Roma Spirit Award convened in Bratislava for a series of exceptional meetings
We Know the Roma Spirit 2023 Laureates!
25.11.2023Hope was given out in the Slovak National Theatre Košice. For the fifteenth time, Roma Spirit awards were given to those who improve the lives of the Roma…
Zuzana Čaputová, the President of Slovakia, Paid Tribute to the Roma Spirit Finalists
18.4.2023The Roma Spirit 2022 finalists were received by the President of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová at a reception at the Presidential Palace. The warm welcome included…
Introducing the newest ACEC project – Employment Assistance Services
19.10.2022The newest project launched by ACEC, called Employment Assistance Services, already has its assistants. They are being…