20. 09. 2016

New Challenges Launched: The International EXPECT MORE Project

The year 2015, with regard to the migration and refugee waves, showed the whole of Europe where the limits of current policies, methodologies, strategies and approaches are located. Out of 60 million people in motion approximately, who have escaped persecution and life endangerment, more than 1 million people have chosen to travel to Europe, which for many EU Member States has been a completely unexpected challenge, especially along the so-called Western Balkan Route (Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, Denmark and Sweden) but also for other countries that were left unprepared for the situation.

However, although there are serious shortcomings, there is also wealth of knowledge, experience and approaches available in the field of VET counselling, guidance, C-VET programmes and labour market integration across Europe. In recent years, Member States and their respective organizations have developed a broad set of methods and approaches (linked to previous challenges, target groups, etc.) that can be considered as a basis for evaluation, analysis, adaptation and transfer to a new frame in the light of current conditions and circumstances.

In the view of these events and the situation in Europe, we decided, along with our partners, to prepare Expect More, an international project, which aims to exchange experiences and good practices in the field of education and employment for migrants and refugees throughout Europe.

The project partners: Oxys Management (Germany), European Neighbours (Austria), Fundacia Prizma (Slovenia), Biofarma (Croatia), Formacione Co&So Network (Italy), Human Exchange (Hungary) a Asociácia pre kultúru, vzdelávanie a komunikáciu (Slovakia).

The project is implemented under the Erasmus Plus Program for Education, Training and Sport, funded by the European Commission.